In the spirit of giving thanks, I wanted to share a list of all of the things I'm grateful for this year, and there's A LOT of them, so here's a small segment of my list...
1. I am beyond blessed to have an incredible and supportive family. My parents always go out of their way to provide things for my sister and I as well as helping us through all of our many many challenges - I don't know what I would do without them! My sister is also one of my best friends in the world I'm so proud of her and thankful that I have her in my life!
2. I also have an amazing boyfriend who I'm thankful for every day! Even when I'm upset, or angry, or stressed out, or overwhelmed, or doubting myself, he can always make me feel better and push through whatever I'm struggling with. He never fails to make me laugh and he gives the world's best hugs!
3. I'm thankful for the blessings of education that I have been able to obtain during the past 17 years. My parent's sacrifices and hard work have allowed me to attend great schools where I've grown as an individual and opened my eyes and brain to countless new ways of thought and life.
This year I have some new blessings to be thankful for.
4. I am ridiculously grateful to be here at Penn GSE getting my master's degree. It is a phenomenal school and I'm meeting so many incredible people and learning so much from being here! I'm thankful that this program is helping me to figure out and follow my "dream" career (whatever that may be) and giving me a strong foundation to do so. Even though I've been frequently doubting myself and what I'm doing here, I know I made the right decision to come to Penn, and I would do it over and over again...maybe just a little differently (but that will be a future reflection).
5. I'm also thankful for my Graduate Assistantship at Penn where I get to interact with current and prospective students each day and share something I love (GSE!) with them! I love that I get to share one of my blessings with many other people every day!
6. The final blessing I'm going to share today is my cohort here at GSE. Coming into the program I was really worried that I wouldn't make myself available to people and that I wouldn't make friends because I already have a lot of people I know and hang out with in Philadelphia. I struggled with that balance for many weeks and I've only recently put forth a really conscious effort to do things with my fellow higher ed students, and I'm so glad I made that change! My fellow higher ed students are phenomenal and I wish I had gotten to know more of them sooner! I fear that I'll leave this program without building a relationship with everyone, but at least I've made a small start. I'm so thankful for these people and the time I've been able to spend with them so far on this journey!
So that's just a snippet of what's on my list this year, not to mention the infinite other things I'm grateful for every day! I hope you all can share your blessings and thanks with others, not just on Thanksgiving, but throughout the year.
Also, I'm not neglecting all of my friends celebrating Hanukkah - Happy Hanukkah! I'm sad that I'll be missing a small gathering of my cohort members tonight who will be lighting the candles and eating delicious latkes - yum!