Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Springtime in the City

The days of blizzards and the polar vortex are long behind us - IT'S SPRINGTIME!

Official Countdown to Graduation: 25 Days
(that sounds like party time if I do say so myself...)

I always know it's spring when the trees are in bloom and the outdoor seating opens up at the local bars and restaurants! Now that the weather has been in the 60's and 70's, the sun is shining, and the sun doesn't set until well after 7:00 PM, it's officially time to do some of my favorite spring activities! Weekend walks through Rittenhouse Square, strolls along the Schuylkill River, and evenings spent outside by a fire at a local bar/restaurant are some great ways to enjoy the gorgeous weather. Because we only have a few weeks left together before we go our separate ways, maybe I'll try to get some of my cohort-mates to celebrate the gorgeous spring weather with me at some of these places...

See, there IS nature in the city!
Trees in the park near my apartment.

On another slightly related note - Happy Earth Day!!

Hopefully you're celebrating today (and every day) by practicing the three R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! 

Love the Lorax!

How cute are these Earth cupcakes?!?

"Earth" made out of recycled crayons!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Decisions, Decisions

It's almost time for many of you accepted students to submit your deposit and commit to Penn GSE for next year! Just a reminder, the deadline is April 15th for most of you (if you received your letter after March 15th you have 30 days to decide). If you're still deciding whether or not Penn GSE is the right place for you, feel free to reach out to me, Wesley, Rebecca, or any of the other graduate assistants who are keeping blogs (on the right side of this page). We're here to help you! We can also put you in touch with other students in your program if you want another perspective.

Our final WEB CHAT of the semester will be taking place this Friday, April 11, 2014 from 7:00-8:00 PM (Eastern Time). We have lots of students registered already so please join us to chat about life at GSE and if it's a good fit for you! RSVP here.

It's not too late to apply for some of our programs if you're still interested in admission for the 2014-2015 school year. Many admit on a rolling admission basis so you can still apply here!

We've also revamped our campus visit processes. We are hosting a session called "Penn GSE at 3" every day at 3:00 PM. The visit includes an admissions/financial aid overview as well as a campus tour with one of our current students. RSVP is strongly encouraged, although walk-ins are welcome! If you're interested in meeting with a program specifically, fill out one of our program meeting request forms and be sure to let us know in the comments if you are attending "Penn GSE at 3".

We are also offering online webinars all spring and summer to give you an overview of the admissions and financial aid procedures. RSVP here to join us at lunch-time or in the evening!

Hope to "see" you or hear from you soon! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

To the 2014-2015 Higher Education Cohort...

...you all are awesome! It was such a pleasure to meet many of you this weekend between mingling and interviewing for the GSE admissions position! You have a fantastic year ahead of you!

It's hard to believe that it's already been a year since I was in your shoes. Everyone will keep telling you, it goes faster than you think, and they're right! I wanted to share some quick words of advice (since many of you said you read these blogs!)

  • Take advantage of every opportunity you can (personal and professional) - it might not come again.
  • If you're not happy with something, be proactive and take steps to change it. The one year program is too short for you to spend unnecessary time in a bad situation.
  • Diversity is more than meets the eye - take time to get to know your classmates, and learn from them. Everyone has unique experiences and perspectives to offer.
  • Be nice to your cohort members, they will be your real-world colleagues very soon.
  • You know the game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"? In higher ed, it's more like two or three degrees. The world of higher education is actually very small, so any job you want to apply for or person you want to connect with is likely only a few degrees of separation away from you. Make lasting connections with your supervisors, professors, and every one you meet, and don't be afraid to ask if people can use their connections to help you! 
  • ...but don't burn bridges! Treat people with respect because they will remember you!
  • Learn to listen. You can often learn more in class by considering what others are sharing rather than dominating the conversation yourself.
  • Don't take things too personally. Classmates will say things that upset you or might offend you. Don't judge people by how they phrase things when they might not be fully considering their words, but feel free to question or challenge their assumptions - respectfully, and not aggressively. 
  • Don't shy away from situations that make you feel uncomfortable or challenge you - it's these moments where you can learn and grow most. 
Enjoy every minute of your time - even the difficult moments! Use your cohort members for support and celebrate together when you graduate!

I'm sure I'll come in contact with many of you again, but in the meantime, don't hesitate to email me any questions you still have (even after a long and informative weekend). 

Good luck!