Whew. Sincerest apologies for the unexpectedly long hiatus! It has been a B.U.S.Y. few weeks in the life of Amanda. Amid all of the chaos of planning web chats, on campus open houses, and trying to keep up with school work (senioritis has hit hard) there have been some really exciting things happening!
First, we're in full swing and preparation for welcoming many of our accepted students to campus this week! Hopefully many of you reading this will be in attendance - I can't wait to meet you! It's strange to think that there's a whole new cohort of GSE students coming in the summer or fall and I'll be an alumna!
Remember when I mentioned "the dreaded comps" about a month ago? Well today the results came in aaaaannndddd... I PASSED! That is a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders, and it means I am OFFICIALLY graduating! Which brings me to my next point...
We graduate in only 51 days!!! I picked up my cap and gown last week and the official count down has begun. As exciting as that is and as much as I'm looking forward to it, that means it's officially crunch time (as if it wasn't already). Now that most of my requirements to graduate are out of the way, I just have to push through the struggle of the final six weeks of the semester, and FIND A JOB!
Job hunting has become one of my favorite pass-times and modes of procrastination, but it can quickly become very stressful! It's incredible to see the huge variety of higher education administrative jobs that are out there, and it's been really great to do some soul-searching and figure out what it is that I truly want to do, but it can also be incredibly disheartening to see some of the minimum qualifications for my "dream job" and realize that I still have a looooonnggg way to go before I can reach that point. And don't get me started on the depressing "Sorry you're not the right candidate for the job" emails. Those suck.
Along the way, I've encountered some great resources for finding and securing a job. One of the great parts about Penn GSE is the dedication and connectedness of the alumni. Many of them work on campus and have been kind enough to host workshops or networking sessions for the current students. These are great ways to connect with professionals (who you have something significant in common with) and get some tips and insider information. Most of these people were in our shoes not long ago so they remember how we feel and are enthusiastic about helping us to be successful! I've also been really blessed to work my GA in the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid at Penn GSE, where my supervisors and co-workers have been amazing in helping me (and my fellow graduate assistants) along the journey. I'm so excited to be able to call all of these individuals colleagues eventually!
Hopefully there won't be a long break between this post and the next one, but in the meantime, keep the questions coming! I love getting messages from people reading the blogs! If there's something you want me to post about, just send me a note!
Until next time :-)
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